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— Life —

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I’m unpacking after a short break in the countryside. Pulling a pair of jeans out of my bag, I feel a sense of relief that the weather was warm enough for me to wear dresses all weekend. I suddenly wonder, “Why do I persist in wearing jeans if they don’t make me feel great?” I start thinking about what else I’ve been wearing that doesn’t make me feel the way I want to feel. Whilst some may think that in the big scheme of things, what we wear shouldn’t matter, I believe the way our clothes make us feel matters enormously.

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— Life —

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I made a commitment to practice self-care, no matter what I weighed, and I began by doing things like wearing fabulous clothes and buying myself flowers. Continue Reading

— Relationships —

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Megan is a devoted wife, mother of four children of various ages, a photographer and the one in charge of cooking, cleaning and providing a family taxi service. Her pottery wheel is where she says, “I go, daily, to reclaim my sense of self.”

To the casual observer Megan and I are completely different. She’s tall and slender, never wears makeup or nail polish and is very quiet. I, on the other hand, am short and curvy, rarely seen without mascara and a red manicure and can be quite vocal. We live vastly different lives.

Yet we strongly agree on one particular topic; the importance of self-care.

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— Life —

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It’s that time of the year again. Summer’s fast approaching, and I can literally hear the gleeful rubbing of hands together within the diet industry. They’re sending us subtle, and not-so-subtle, messages that it’s time to get “beach body ready.” Continue Reading

— Life —

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You know how some people say they don’t weigh themselves? I’m one of those. For some people, weighing themselves reassures them that everything is on track and keeps them motivated. For me, it was something I’d done since I was eight years old, and eventually I felt like I was doing myself more harm than good. Continue Reading

— Life —

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Last week I was trying to write an article that just wouldn’t flow. Over the course of the afternoon I must have looked in the fridge at least a dozen times, and I’m not exaggerating.

Because I’m working on changing my eating habits, I was acutely aware of what I was doing, so the last time I opened the fridge door, I finally closed my eyes, took a deep breath and asked myself, “What am I feeling right now?” Continue Reading

— Life —

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I used to find health and fitness so confusing.

There’s so much advice – which can be complex and frequently changes or contradicts itself – and there’s always some new fad arriving on the scene.

I also believe diets set us up to fail. They come with a set of unrealistic rules you must follow in order to succeed, and rarely take an individual’s lifestyle or unique needs into consideration. Subsequently you start day one, brimming with motivation and by day three, you’re beginning to falter and feeling like a failure, again. They foster an “all or nothing” mentality, which damages both physical and mental health.

A much better approach is to focus on changing one habit at a time, realistically and consistently. I’ve mentioned this before, and I can’t stress how much this approach has changed my life. Continue Reading

— Life —

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I’m going to be honest. I’m frustrated with a society that constantly sells us the idea of a “quick fix.” I’m even more frustrated by the people who refuse to consider anything other than a shortcut when it comes to solving a problem. Continue Reading

— Relationships —

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It’s well-documented that women with body image issues frequently struggle in their intimate relationships. Until now, I’ve never discussed this subject, even with my closest friends, yet I am one of these women. So with Valentines upon us – and a plethora of red, lacy underwear on display in every lingerie shop – now feels like a good time to raise the subject here. Continue Reading

— Life —

Copyright @Taryn Brumfitt
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One of my intentions for The Pro-Body Project is to introduce you to voices, other than my own, on the broad subject of body image.

So with that in mind, I went to see “Embrace,” a documentary by an Australian mum of three, Taryn Brumfitt. Taryn attempts to tackle the myth of the perfect body and the culture that drives so many of us to despair, trying to attain it. Continue Reading